touchless gesture technology using ultrasonic sound

In my previous posts I wrote about hardwares like Kinect, Leap motion and motion detecting sensors but mainly the gesture recognition based on image processing. In this post I am going to write about the Touch less gesture interaction with computer, tabs or smart phones using Ultrasonic sound.
Ultrasonic touchless gesture technology will make touchless interaction with your computer a feasible and strong solution. The advantages ultrasonic gesture technology has distinguishes it from other touchless technologies on the market. These qualities open up endless possibilities to equip the devices with the latest and most intuitive interaction innovation. Ultrasonic sensors create a wide field of interaction space that surrounds device and can be configured to detect a wide range of gestures and gesture combinations.
How it works
Ultrasound signals sent through the air from speakers integrated in smart phones and tablets bounce against your hand and are recorded by microphones also integrated in these devices. In this way, Elliptic Labs’ technology recognizes your hand gestures and uses them to move objects on a screen, very similar to how bats use echolocation to navigate.
Advantages with ultrasonic gesture technology:
Power saving:
its because it uses ultrasonic sound sensor, it uses lest power for computing as compared to other optical and 3D sensors like Kinect and leap.
Sensors can see both forward and to the sides, enabling an interaction zone extending over the screen and to the sides. Ultrasonic sensors enable gesturing both from a distance and very close to the screen at the same time. This for me is best point about it. generally with Kinect and leap motion sensors, we have to be either in front of the sensor(kinect) or above the sensor(leap). when the sensors are placed away from screen it becomes problematic. ultrasonic sound sensors give better degree of freedom if not best. Of course as of now am not entirely so sure about its exact field of view ( FOV) or Region of interest (ROI).
Distributed sensing
Enables motion capture from multiple angles, avoiding occlusion of objects or parts of an object. Facilitates robust positioning by giving sufficient sensor baselines. Sensors used are MEMS microphones, which can also be used for speech enhancement & recognition.
Leading edge detection & range gating
Ability to separate the first returning echoes from other, later arriving echos. Filter can effectively be created which thresholds reflections in the z-direction, useful both for separating finger motion from wrist or hand motion, or from movements or reflections from the body of use
Accurate time-of-flight measurements
Enables accurate tracking of leading edges of hands & fingers, as well as accurate location of devices having ultrasonic capabilities in space.
It is not my intention to decide or judge or to say that this in any way better than Kinect or leap motion or vice versa, Hey, don't kill the messenger !! I am just happy to learn there are different ways we can do gesture recognition. for more information about this technology and this product, you can visit source
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Tell me....hw u creat this s/w?????
According to their press release, These ultrasound waves are totally harmless to human but excellent point out with pets. And yes many smart phone companies are planning to embedd this technology in their devices.
It seems its ultrasonic sound waves are pretty harmless for cats and dogs