Roboroach: the first commercial cyborg
There is a big row going on over a US company's new smartphone app "Roboroach backpack".
The US company Backyard Brains has developed an "Electronic Backpack" called Roboroach that fits on to cockroach allowing its movements to be controlled by a smartphone app. The Backyard Brains company says that the device is intended to get children to be interested in neuroscience.
For the "electronic backpack" to work the cockroaches have to be
placed in icy water to subdue them

Some say "electronic backpack" is cruel and subjects the insects to unnecessary stress. some say , Modifying a living creature to make a toy is wrong. they even say, This enables and encourages kids to harm animals.
I personally feel its not time to criticize, its time to celebrate and appreciate the innovation. I mean come on these are the roaches people easily kill in their apartments and its not like these animals are in any harms way as Backyard Brains contends that the experiments have no lasting effect on
the bugs and that dipping them in ice water anesthetizes them from pain.
Personally, I think RoboRoach is a really interesting way to get people
interested in science, which we need to do more of at all costs.
I don't care if you think I'm insane and cruel to think and support this idea but imagine how cool it is to play soccer with remote controlled cockroach team or I can even create cockroach army. I guess time of playing with video games is over, I can train my cockroach in soccer that he will defeat the likes of Messi and Ronaldo :P
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even though it sounds terrible I will always prefer experimentation on pest cockroaches than human or mouse